The Predictive Index® talentoptimization

Improved recruitment, more effective management, stronger team dynamics, and increased employee engagement.

PI Behavioral Assessment™: discover the unique motivations and drives of your employees in just 6 minutes
PI Cognitive Assessment™: measures the cognitive abilities and learning speed of your employees in 12 minutes
PI Job Assessment™: Determine the best match between the candidate and the position, and optimize your recruitment processes

Optimizing talent to achieve desired business results: data-driven, human-centered, and sustainable enterprise.

Leadership and talent development with The Predictive Index®

The Predictive Index® (PI) offers a scientifically based solution to help your organization achieve optimal talent development and leadership development. With PI®'s three core assessments you gain quick and reliable insight into the unique personality, cognitive capabilities and potential of both current and future employees.

Why PI®?

  • In-depth insights: PI® goes beyond superficial personality tests. It provides insight into people's intrinsic motivations, allowing you to better understand and motivate them
  • Fast and efficient: the assessments are short and easy to administer, giving you valuable information quickly
  • Scientifically substantiated: PI® is based on decades of research and is used worldwide by leading organizations
  • Applicable throughout the entire employee lifecycle: from recruitment and selection to performance management and talent development, PI® supports you at every crucial moment.

The benefits of PI for your organization

  • Improved recruitment and selection: find the right people for the right position and avoid costly mismatches.
  • Stronger leadership development: develop leaders who inspire and motivate their teams.
  • More effective performance management: set goals that match the individual strengths and development needs of your employees. PI is the only performance management tool with integrated behavioral data
  • Increased involvement: create a working environment in which employees feel valued and can perform optimally.
  • Efficient teams: create teams that interact with each other and bring out the best in each other

Curious how PI® can help your organization? Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.

In a dynamic work environment, it is essential to understand your employees deeply. By gaining insight into their deepest motivations, cognitive skills and growth potential, you can optimally support and develop them.

The core of effective leadership lies in optimal use of human capital. It's about more than just hiring new employees; it's about creating an environment in which talent can flourish and develop. A data-driven approach ensures that organizations can put the right people in the right place and ensure that they perform optimally.

Talent development: the key to success

Finding, developing and retaining talent is essential to the success of any organization. Our approach is based on the following pillars:

  • Personal growth: through tools such as the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment™ we gain insight into the unique qualities and motivations of employees.
  • Leadership development: we offer training and workshops that enable leaders to inspire and motivate their teams.
  • Feedback culture: an open and honest feedback culture is essential for personal growth and development.
  • Job matching: by making the right match between the employee and the position, we increase involvement and success.

Our talent management services include: 

  • Recruitment & selection: we help you find the right candidates who fit your organizational culture
  • Talent acquisition: we develop a proactive approach to attract top talent
  • Recruitment strategy: we help you draw up an effective recruitment strategy that matches your objectives
  • Onboarding: we provide a warm welcome for new employees tailored to their needs
  • Job matching

The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment

The best predictor of future job performance.

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Selling Skills Assessment Tool™

Selling Skills Assessment Tool (SSAT)™ is a tool designed to provide an objective evaluation of the ...

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The Predictive Index Team Discovery™

Make every team a dream team.

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The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment (PI BA)™

Map personality with the 4 motivational drives.

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The Predictive Index Job Assessment (PI JA)™

The starting point of every successful recruitment process.

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The Predictive Index® is a registered trademark of Predictive Index, LLC and is used here with permission