The Predictive Index Team Discovery™

Make every team a dream team.

The sum of the individuals and the interaction between them will determine whether a team will achieve the set objectives.
In order to function properly, teams require a.o. good performance criteria, clear rules of the game, clear assignment of roles, insight into their own personality and that of other team members, insight into team dynamics and objectives for better performance.

Through the Team Analysis tool PI Insights enables you to analyze precisely in which areas the team needs reinforcement or change in relation to the expectations set for the team.

The Team Work Styles then further clarify the dynamics between the team members thereby helping you to predict and / or plan team-related activities such as:

  • Communication
  • Decision making
  • How action is taken
  • Risk assessment
  • How problems are being solved
  • How initiatives are being developed
  • Internal interaction

A comparison with the strategic imperatives for the team then also makes it possible to visualize whether the team is optimally configured to achieve the objectives (or not).

The Predictive Index® is a registered trademark of Predictive Index, LLC and is used here with permission